Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why do we have Stewardship Campaigns?

Have you ever asked yourself why does our Church have a Stewardship Campaign?

Reason 1: The Finance Committee voted to have one. They thought it might be a neat idea to be able to pay for our operating expenses. Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart is also".

Reason 2: "You may find it interesting that Jesus talked more about stewardship than he did on the subject of heaven or hell. He talked as much about money as he did prayer. It was that important to him. There are thirty-eight parables, stories attributed to Jesus, with sixteen of the thirty eight dealing with stewardship. Basically, handling the resources we’ve been blessed with. That’s how important it was to Jesus."

Please join us as we journey the next three Sundays with our "Fearless Giving - in fearful times" Stewardship Campaign.

I live my life
in His hands
Pastor Sherry

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