Friday, November 30, 2012

Prepare the way of the Lord

Isaiah 40: 3

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
The voice — An abrupt speech. Methinks I hear a voice.  John the Baptist was the voice that called all listeners to repentance.  John the Baptist came before Jesus, making a way, calling us to prepare our lives and hearts for pure truth - Jesus Christ.
Wilderness — This immediately relates to the deliverance of the Jews out of Babylon, and smoothing their passage from thence to Judea, which lay through a great wilderness; but principally to their redemption by the Messiah, whose coming was ushered in by the cry of John the baptist, in the wilderness.
Prepare ye the way — You to whom this work belongs. He alludes to the custom of princes who send pioneers before them to prepare the way through which they are to pass. The meaning is, God shall by his spirit so dispose mens hearts, and by his providence so order the affairs of the world, as to make way for the accomplishment of his promise. This was eminently fulfilled, when Christ, who was, and is God, blessed for ever, came into the world in a visible manner.
We are preparing ourselves for Advent, which begins on December 1st and continues for 24 days until Christmas Day.  What is the voice that you hear calling to you?  How do you make things "straight" in your life with your family, your friends, yourself and with God?  Think about it.  Pray about it . . . then let God lead you into action!                          
                                                                                                        Blessings, Pastor Nancy

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