Friday, November 4, 2011

Caroling Hay Ride 2011

The Children’s Department would like to invite each and every one of you to join us as we venture out on our 3rd Annual Caroling Hayride.
Sunday, December 4th, after Church.

We will have a quick lunch in the Family Life Center and then proceed to “Carol” our way through Sweeny as we visit our shut-ins & The Fountains to deliver Christmas gift baskets.

Donations are Needed for Gift Baskets!

Some suggestions include:
Slipper Socks, Stocking Caps, Shawls or Scarves, Hard Candy, Snack Crackers with Cheese, Stationary & Stamps, Fresh Fruit & Nuts.

We will be making 30 baskets for our Church’s Shut-Ins & the residents of The Fountains plus 1 large basket of fruit, candy & nuts for the staff (18) of The Fountains. There are aprox. 6 men and 24 women who will be receiving the baskets so please keep that in mind when shopping for goodies. Donations may be brought to the Church Office or given to Anna or Jessica. You can also drop them off at V7 Photos (Monday, Wednesday & Fridays) if you miss us at the office. Please bring everything but the fruit by November 27th so that we can have the baskets ready to go except for adding the fruit the day of the Caroling Hay Ride. Please bring the fruit on Sunday, December 4th.

Contact the office if you have any questions: 979-548-2192

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