Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thank You - Feed My Lambs Supporters

Feed My Lambs says Thank You for all your help this summer!
God was in control the whole summer, from the beginning to the end.
He asked us to walk out in faith and He would provide the workers and the funds to support the program.
Thank you to all of you who answered His call and gave of your time, money and talents to feed the children in Sweeny.
We fed over 3,100 meals this summer and always the money and workers were there. Even on the last Wednesday when we had just enough supplies to feed the 141 we had fed on Monday, we received a call to feed 32 more at Canterbury Square Apartments. It reminded me of when Jesus fed the 5,000 with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. The workers responded and got the job done. Because of our faith, God graciously provided a way for us to do this.
It takes all of us to make the program a success.
Without your help, each one of you, we could not do the work he has for us to do.
It was a pleasure working with each one of you this summer.
Thank you for your belief in this ministry and for being there!
In His Service,
Kay Brightwell

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