Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Festival 2010

The Fall Festival is fast approaching! It will be October 31st, 4-6. We will be setting up for the festival on Saturday, October 30. We will have the time in the newsletter, bulletin & website.

This year we are moving away from a "Halloween" theme and making the Festival "Fall" themed with no ghosts, ghouls, goblins or monsters. There will be a biblical costume contest. Just think, ANYTHING in the Bible could be a costume: people, animals, queens & kings, seven deadly sins, etc. etc. etc. ..the list goes on and on....Use your imagination!!!!

I'm copying the signup list below so that everyone can see what's still needed as of this minute. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact the church office to sign up. You can e-mail, call or come by the office to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact the office at sweenyfumc@windstream.net  or Jessica Pate (Children's Ministry Coordinator) at smilegodlovesyou2010@hotmail.com .

Hope you can help whether it be volunteering, donations, or even just prayers for a good time to be had by all. If you have already signed up to help, THANK YOU!

See you there!!!


Fall Festival 2010
Sign Up


(We will need at least 2 volunteers per booth, you are welcome to find extra people to work your booth part of the time so that you can enjoy the festivities as well. Please remember that all volunteers will need a background check as of 2010.)

Duck Pond (pick a duck out of the pond to see what prize is on it's underside):

Spinner (spin the wheel to see what prize you win):

Plunko (drop the disk from the top to see where it lands as it bounces down the board):  Sue Ellen Netherly & Jane Pate

Washer Toss:

Needle in a Haystack (search for prizes in pile of hay):


Fishing Pond ("fish" over the wall for prizes): Brooks Family

Cake Walk: Glick Family

Ring the Pumpkins (try to toss a ring over the stem of pumpkins for a prize):  Gayle Horn

Cards for the Troops:  Kay Brightwell

Supplies & Prizes for Games
(We are planning for 200 children plus 20 or so volunteers)

Individually Wrapped Candy
Goldfish Crackers (Large boxes &/or individual packs)   Jeanette Nelson
Plain & Fruit Cheerios  Sheri Van Avery
Candy Corn   Anna Turner
Popcorn (already popped)   Jessica Pate
Twist Ties   50-Anna Turner
Snack Size & Sandwich Size Ziploc Bags  Leslie Follett
Cupcakes  (for cake walk)
Cookies (for cake walk)


Chips (about 8 bags of tortilla chips)
Dip Pastor Sherry

Hot Dogs:
Buns:  Kay & Jimmy Brightwell
Hot Dogs  Kay & Jimmy Brightwell
Relish, Mayo/Mayonnaise, Mustard, Ketchup   Karen & Buddy Bailey
Chili   Frank & Lucille Burttschell
Shredded Cheese  Sheri Van Avery

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